How can we help?
Teachers & coaches
Setting up your teacher account
How do I get started using Khan Academy as a teacher?
How can I create my teacher account?
How do I add or edit a course on my Khan Academy class?
How do I add my school to my teacher dashboard?
What is the Teacher Dashboard?
How do I change my account from a child to an adult or teacher account?
Setting up your classes and student roster
See all articlesUnderstanding your students' Khan Academy experience
How do my students get started on Khan Academy?
How can I view my students’ Khan Academy experience?
How do assignments appear to students?
Do new students automatically receive assignments when they join my Khan Academy class?
What can my students find under the My Classes section in the Khan Academy mobile app?
Making assignments and mastery goals for your students
Making and managing assignments
Understanding the Khan Academy mastery system
Making and managing course & unit mastery goals
How to use reporting to monitor student progress
What reporting options are available on Khan Academy for teachers to track student performance?
How can I view my students' progress towards their Mastery goals?
How do I download my students’ assignment scores and skills data?
How do I use the Activity, Skills, and Mastery tabs on the Activity overview report?
How do I use the Assignment Scores report?
How do I use the Individual Student Report?
Classroom engagement & differentiation tools
Guide to the LearnStorm tracker classroom engagement tool
How do I use MAP Recommended Practice (Mappers) on Khan Academy?
Technology considerations
See all articles-
What devices and browsers work best for Khan Academy?
How can I share Khan Academy content onto Microsoft Teams?
How can I use Khan Academy without an internet connection?
Which browsers are supported?
Does Khan Academy provide audio support or read aloud for its content?
Curriculum alignment
How can I change the standards that are displayed on content?
Is Khan Academy math content aligned to Common Core or other U.S. state standards?
When is new content available, and can I be notified?
Is there curriculum mapping for France?
Is there curriculum mapping for Ireland?
Is there Mexican curriculum mapping?
Materials to share or print
How can I print and pass out class code handouts? (in multiple languages)
Is there a guide I can print for parents about using Khan Academy? (multiple languages)
Do you offer a printable progress tracker for students to use?
What materials do you have on Khan Academy that I can share with my colleagues or school?
Can I give students certificates to recognize their work? (multiple languages)
How can I print a certificate for my student who has completed Hour of Code?
Additional resources
Where can I find teacher resources on Khan Academy?
Does Khan Academy offer workshops or other training sessions?
Resource Hub: Flexible learning toolkit
Where can I find computer programming resources?