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Is Khan Academy math content aligned to Common Core or other U.S. state standards?


Khan Academy's 2nd grade through Pre-Calculus  courses are aligned to the Common Core. To see the full list of courses that are aligned to Common Core, select your state here.

Khan Academy has mapped our existing math content to standards for most grades in all states and territories except for Puerto Rico.

To explore our math content by your state's standards, visit this page and select your state.

Once you're on the page for your state, like Indiana's for example, you can select a grade to view the Khan Academy content that is mapped to those standards. Once you're on the standard mapping page, you can navigate to the standards for different grade levels by using the navigation bar on the left hand side.

Under each standard, you’ll see any content that matches that standard. Content can include videos, articles, and exercises. Click and you are taken there! If there’s no matching content for a given standard, it will indicate “Content unavailable”.


Learn about setting your preferred region here.