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How do I download my students’ assignment scores and skills data?


If you are a teacher who uses Khan Academy in your classroom, you may want an easy way to download your students' assignment scores and skills data. Luckily, Khan Academy offers two ways to download this data onto a CSV you can then use for further analysis and documentation. 

In this article we will cover the below topics. Click on one to skip to that section! 

To start off though, let’s answer the question: “What is a CSV?” 

  • A CSV, or Comma Separated Values is a type of file that stores data. It's like a simple spreadsheet, but without the formulas and formatting. 
  • You can then open CSV files in programs like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Numbers.

How to download the Assignment Scores or Skills Data CSVs:

There are 2 ways on Khan Academy for you to download your students' assignment data onto a CSV. 

1. Option 1 is in the "Manage" tab under the Assignments dropdown menu.

Use this option if you would like to download the scores or skills data from Course Challenges you've assigned to your students. 

To download this CSV, follow the below steps:

  1. Click "Manage" on the lefthand side of the Class Dashboard
  2. Locate the Course Challenge you would like to download the data for 
  3. Click the assignment completion ratio under the "Completed" column 
  4. Select which CSV you would like to download (Scores, All student skills data, or Class skills data). Doing this will automatically download the file to your device  


2. Option 2 is located on the “Scores” tab under the Assignments dropdown menu. 

Use this option if you would like to download a CSV with scores data from multiple assignments over a period of time.

To download this CSV, follow the below steps:

  1. Click the "Scores" option on the left hand side of the class dashboard
  2. Click the “Download CSV” button
  3. Select the date range of the assignments you would like to download the scores from. 

  4. Optional: select the "Include the average score" option 
    • By checking the “Include the average score" option shown in the screenshot below, you will receive an additional column in the spreadsheet: the Average score column.

    • The average score is calculated by: (Sum of the student’s actual scores on all their completed assignments) ÷ (Sum of all possible points on all their completed assignments)

  5. Click the blue "Download CSV" button. You will see the below pop-up window on your screen, meaning our system is preparing the document for you. Please don’t exit the page until the download is completed and you receive the below confirmation:


Below is a video outlining how to use Option 2 of the “Assignment Scores CSV Download feature” 

How to navigate and interpret the CSV data:

CSV Data from Option 1 on the "Manage" section of the Class Dashboard: (the data from one individual assignment) 

1. Example "Scores" CSV (notice how this shows each student's score at the assignment's due date, and the data from all the times they completed the assignment

2. Example "All student skills data" CSV (notice how this CSV is organized by student, and their skill data for each individual skill level in the completed assignment)

3. Example "Class skills data" CSV (notice how this CSV is organized by the skill, and how many students were tested on, leveled up on, leveled down on, and did not change Master levels on that skill) 

CSV Data from Option 2 on the "Scores" section of the Class Dashboard (the assignment scores from multiple assignments across a date range) 

The horizontal rows on the spreadsheet will show the Student Name.

  • You’ll see the display name you chose for your students on your Khan Academy roster
  • If you didn’t set a display name for them, the CSV will show their nicknames. (Resource: How do I rename students on my class roster?)

The vertical columns on the spreadsheet will show each individual assignment. In the column you will see the below information: 

  • Name and type of the assignment’s content (exercise, quiz, unit test, video, or article).
  • Due Date (this is the due date you selected when creating the assignment)
  • Score or completion status: 
    • Practice activities (exercises, quizzes, or unit tests) will have the student’s best score on their columns if the student fully completed the assignment.
    • Videos and articles will have the current completion status: Completed or Not Started
    • Note: If a student starts an assignment, but never fully completes the activity, it will show as “Not Started” on the CSV.  
      • This includes assignments where students used the "Start Over" link but didn’t go back to finish the activity
    • Note: If you see a dash (--) instead of a score or status, it means the assignment was not assigned to that particular student


We hope this feature streamlines your grading processes and helps you lean into using Khan Academy in your classroom(s)! 

Additional Resources: