Does Khan Academy offer workshops or other training sessions?
Due to our limited capacity, our staff is not available to conduct dedicated workshops or training. However, we have a group of Ambassadors who are occasionally available to support with this. If you would like to explore these opportunities, please file a support ticket here.
Our team does offer additional resources for our users to help them navigate Khan Academy. You can check out these resources here. We would also recommend our recorded webinar sections that give an overview of the functionality on the site. Please find the recorded sessions at this link.
The vast majority of Khan Academy workshops are organized and led by educators themselves! If you’ve used Khan Academy with your students and are eager to share your enthusiasm with other teachers, we encourage you to host your own workshop.
Additionally, a new and cool progress tracker was created by our team! It was designed to be very complete, which allows teachers to easily follow their students' progress throughout their learning journeys, especially for those who teach several classes and subjects. Below is a sneak peek of what the progress tracker looks like:
Teachers can access it by clicking here, and they can also print it to use the tracker with their classes!