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How can I view my students' progress towards their Mastery goals?


Khan Academy offers 2 types of Mastery goals for students to work towards: Unit Mastery Goals and Course Mastery Goals. These can be assigned by the teacher to their students and monitored on the Teacher Dashboard. This article will give instructions on how you can view student progress toward assigned units or Course Mastery Goals

Once you have assigned a Course or Unit Mastery Goal to any of your students, please follow the 3 steps outlined below to see your student's progress toward meeting the goal.

Step 1: Log into your Khan Academy account, navigate to your Teacher Dashboard, and select the class for which you want to view Mastery progress.

Step 2: On the lefthand sidebar, select the "Progress" option, located in the "Mastery Goals" section. 

Step 3: Click on the percentage link for the Unit or Course Mastery goal you would like to view the student's progress for. 

Doing this will open the below window showing the students' progress towards their assigned Mastery Goal. From here, you can click on the student's name to be taken to their Individual Student Skills report to learn more about their progress. 



Below are some additional technical aspects to be aware of when using the Mastery goal progress page:

Additional filtering options allow you to also sort the list of Mastery goals by Due Date, or filter down to show only Course or Unit Mastery goals as well. 


From the Mastery goal progress page you can also click the "..." to the right of the "Details" link to delete a Mastery Goal or edit the due date, or edit which students have been assigned the goal. 

Please note, if you would like to see your students' Mastery progress across all Khan Academy courses and classes they are enrolled in, please click the "Activity Overview" link on the lefthand side of your Teacher Dashboard followed by the "Mastery" tab.


For additional help and support, please reach out to our support team here! We are happy to help. 

Additional resources: 

What reporting options are available for teachers to track student performance? 

How to assign a Course or Unit Mastery Goal

What is self-paced Mastery?