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How can I share Khan Academy content onto Microsoft Teams?


Microsoft Teams users have an easy way to share Khan Academy content directly to their colleagues or students on Teams! On any Khan Academy learnable content, you’ll see the “Share to Teams” button in the top right below the title of the content. 

When you click on the Microsoft Teams link, you’ll be prompted to follow the below steps:

  1. Sign into your Microsoft Teams Account

    Please note that guest or freemium Teams accounts will not be able to use this functionality. If you see the below error message, it means you have a freemium or guest account and are unable to use this feature. 

  1. Select from the following 2 options: 
    - Share to a person, group, or channel: this is a great way to quickly share Khan Academy content with your students or colleagues. 
    - Create an assignment: this will allow you to make an assignment including the Khan Academy content for your students on Microsoft Teams for Education. Please see the note about the assignment functionality in the technical reminders section of this article

  1. Choose where you want to share this piece of content to:
    -This can be a person, group, or channel that is part of your Teams organization. If you use Teams for Education, you will see your school(s) and classroom(s) listed as well
  2. Click “Share” and wait for the confirmation message (pictured below)

Below are some technical reminders to keep in mind about the Share to Microsoft Teams button: 

  1. You must allow 3rd party cookies in your browser in order to use the Share to Teams functionality.
    - Here is an article from Microsoft with instructions on how to do this in different internet browsers and a screenshot of what it looks like to do this on Google Chrome. 

  1. The Create an assignment option does not also create the assignment for your students on Khan Academy.
    - It also does not automatically grade the assignment for you on Teams when the student completes the work on Khan Academy. 
    - In order to view your students' scores, the assignment needs to be made by the teacher and completed by the student on Khan Academy. Resource on how to make assignments on Khan Academy
    - Then once the student has completed the assignment on Khan Academy, they can “Turn it in” on Teams, and you can add their score from Khan Academy onto the Teams assignment. 

We hope this article helped you understand Khan Academy’s Share to Microsoft Teams functionality! If you have questions or are running into issues, please reach out to our support team. We are here and happy to help.