Khanmigo FAQs for Teachers
What locales are Khanmigo's Free Teacher Tools available in?
Can I print or export the documents I make with the Khanmigo Teacher Tools?
I'm a teacher - where can I learn more about how to use Khanmigo and Artificial Intelligence in my classroom?
What teacher tools are available on Khanmigo?
I signed up for Khanmigo as a teacher, but am not seeing the teacher tools. What should I do?
Can I give my students access to Khanmigo?
Khanmigo Features for Teachers in Partner Districts
What reports does Khan Academy offer teachers to monitor their students’ Khanmigo use?
Can I assign Khanmigo Activities to my students?
How can I temporarily disable Khanmigo for my students? Is there a Focus Mode?
How do I edit my students' Khanmigo settings?
How do I view my students' Khanmigo chat history?