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How can I temporarily disable Khanmigo for my students? Is there a Focus Mode?


While we recognize Khanmigo is a helpful tool for students, we also understand it may not be appropriate for them to access it at all times in the classroom. The Focus Mode feature allows teachers the option to temporarily disable Khanmigo for some, or all of their students for a particular amount of time. 

This article will cover the below aspects of Focus Mode to ensure both teachers and students fully understand the feature. Click on one of the questions to get taken to that section, or scroll through the article to read through all the topics. 

Who has access to control Focus Mode?

  1. Focus Mode is available only for Khan Academy Districts (KAD) teachers rostered with Khanmigo. 
    • Any KAD teacher with Khanmigo access can turn on or off Focus Mode if they are a teacher for your students. This means if a different KAD teacher accidentally left Focus Mode on for your students, you can re-enable Khanmigo for them! 
  2. Focus Mode is also only available on Khan Academy Districts-synced classes. 
    • This means even if you have Khanmigo turned on for your district-synced account, if you create a class that is not synced with your district’s Clever or Classlink rosters, Focus Mode will not be available on that class.

How do I turn Focus Mode on? 

To turn Focus Mode on, please follow the below steps: 

  1. From your Teacher Dashboard, click on the class you would like to enable Focus Mode on for 
  2. On the left hand menu, click the “Focus Mode” link 
  3. Click the blue “Start Focus Mode” button 
  4. Select which students from the drop down menu you would like to enter into Focus Mode 
    • If any of the students on your class list are grayed out and unable to be selected, that means they do not have Khanmigo on their account. You can hover over their name to see more info about this

  1. Select the time duration you would like focus mode to last 
    • You can select anywhere from 5 minutes up to 4 hours of Focus Mode time 
  2. Click “Start”

Below is a gif showing these steps: 

How do I turn Focus Mode off? 

  • To disable Focus Mode, click the red “End now” link on the Focus Mode page 
  • Here, you will also notice who enabled Focus Mode and for how long it is enabled for 

What does Focus Mode look like to my students? 

When your students are in Focus Mode, they will see 2 things: 

  1. Red error messages if they try and chat with Khanmigo anywhere on Khan Academy

  2. The Khanmigo icon in the bottom right hand corner of their screen will appear blue and “sleepy” until they are out of Focus Mode 


We hope this article was helpful in understanding Focus Mode! If you have further questions or concerns, please reach out to our Support Team through this link. We are happy to help! 

For more information about how to use Khanmigo as a teacher, check out the Khanmigo FAQs for Teachers in our Help Center!