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How do I use the Khanmigo Usage Administrator Report?


Khan Academy offers 2 reports for districts who have Khanmigo to understand how it is being used in their school(s): the Khanmigo Usage Report and Khanmigo Activity Report. You can also download Khanmigo usage data to a CSV file. 

This article will cover the Khanmigo Usage Report, which was designed for you to see how many students or teachers in which schools are using Khanmigo and how much are they using it. 

Below is some helpful information to keep in mind as you navigate the Khanmigo Usage Report:

These are outlined in the screenshot and corresponding numbered list below. 

  1. Where is this report located? The Khanmigo Usage Report is found on your Administrator Dashboard under the Khanmigo section 
  2. Toggle between the Students Usage Report and Teachers Usage report 
    • Please note: if a student or teacher has not activated their Khan Academy account, they will not be included in this data 
    • If a student or teacher is removed from your Clever or Classlink roster, their data will not show up on this report 
  3. Select which school(s) in your district you’d like to see the data for 
  4. Date range you’d like to see the data for
    • Selecting a date range will adjust the data on the bar graph and the Total usage list 
  5. Bar Graph showing the number of active students or teachers
    • Hover over the bar graphs to see the % of active users 
  6. Sortable filters: click to sort the columns, or hover over the column title for more information on what is included in the data  
    • Active Students or Teachers 
    • % of Students or Teachers active 
    • Chats per student or teacher (number of conversations) 
    • Messages per chat (counting only the student’s questions to Khanmgo and not the response back from Khanmigo)
  7. Expandable school data
    • Click the < to see more information broken down by classroom or teacher 
    • Once this info is expanded, the lists can also be sorted alphabetically by clicking the arrows next to “Teacher”, “Class” or “Student”

We hope this article was helpful in understanding the Khanmigo Usage Report! If you have questions or need further assistance, please contact your District Success Manager, or reach out to our Support team here.