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How do I export a CSV file for Khan Academy Districts administrator reports?


Khan Academy offers administrators the option to export student data into downloadable CSV files they then can use for additional analysis and reporting outside of the Khan Academy platform. This document will go over how to export data and download the report as a CSV. 

To start off though, let’s answer the question: “What is a CSV?”

  • A CSV, or Comma Separated Values is a type of file that stores data. 
  • In a CSV file, each line is a data record and each record consists of one or more fields, separated by commas. 
  • It's like a simple spreadsheet, but without the formulas and formatting. 
  • You can then open CSV files in programs like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, or Numbers

The Export Student Data tab on your Administrator dashboard offers 4 categories of data available for download as CSV files: 

  1. Overall: 
    • This option includes data from all the tabs if applicable
    • Customization options: 
      • Date range: today, last 7 days, last 30 days, or custom date range 
      • Schools: select any or all schools
  2. Mastery Progress: 
    • This option allows districts to see student progress towards course mastery as broken down by either classroom or student 
      • Once exported, individual columns will show weekly progress data, from Monday-Sunday, with the last column on the document being the current week.
      • Please note: this report updates nightly starting on Mondays. That means if you export this report on a Monday before midnight, you wont see any progress yet for the week. 
    • Customization options:
      • Schools
      • Grades
      • District course (as shown on the SIS)
      • Teachers
  3. Skills Progress: 
    • This option allows administrators to zoom in on students’ Mastery progress as broken down by a particular Khan Course or Course Challenge
    • Customization options: 
      • Date range:  today, last 7 days, last 30 days, or custom date range 
      • Khan course
      • Schools 
      • Grades
      • District course (as shown on the SIS)
      • Teachers 
  4. Khanmigo Use Data:
    • Available if your district has purchased Khanmigo licenses for your students and/or teachers
    • This csv shows helpful data about how those in your district are interacting with Khanmigo, including number of flagged chats, and tokens used. 

      If your district also is a Khan Academy Districts + Learning Paths customer, you will also see the below 2 additional CSV export options. You can learn more about those reports here

  5. Learning Paths 
  6. Learning Paths Skills Progress 

To export student data via a CSV, please follow the below steps: 

For more information about the data found on the downloaded CSVs and its format, please check out this article from the Khan Academy Help Center: CSV Data Dictionary for Administrator Reports
