How do I create assignments for my students on Khan Academy?
Assignments from Khan Academy can be strategically used as a supplementary tool to provide additional support or acceleration. Articles, videos, exercises, quizzes, unit tests, course challenges, and Khanmigo Activities can be assigned to individual students based on their unique learning needs.
This article will cover the 3 options on how to make assignments for students:
1. Making them from the "Assign tab" on your Teacher Dashboard
2. Assigning them while viewing the content item itself
3. Assigning Khanmigo Activities (for Khan Academy District teachers + students only)
Below are the 5 steps to create an assignment from your Teacher Dashboard:
We recommend this option, as it gives you more insight into the content in a particular course, and helps you customize the assignment to your classroom's needs.
Step 1: Log into your Khan Academy account. Click your name in the top right-hand corner, then select the “Teacher Dashboard” link from the dropdown list.
Step 2: Select which class you would like to make an assignment for.
Step 3: On the left-hand menu bar, click the “Assign” option below the “Assignments” section.
Step 4: Click the checkbox on the right-hand side of the screen to select which content in the course you would like to assign to your students.
Please note, that this page is organized by the units in the course. If you click the > symbol next to the unit title, it will expand to show the lessons.
Click the > symbol next to the lesson to show the videos, articles, practice exercises, quizzes, and/or unit tests in that unit.
We recommend choosing 1-2 pieces of individual content to assign, rather than assigning the entire unit or lesson.
- The Course Challenge is located at the end of this list, so scroll down to the bottom to locate it.
The “Search for Content” box also allows you to easily search for content in that course, or search by content type.
Please note: if you have multiple courses added to your class, you can select which course from the dropdown which is located to the left of the search bar.
Step 5: Click the blue “Assign” button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. This will open a pop-up window with additional information to add about your assignment(s):
The blue “Assign” button and the pop-up window show how many items you’re assigning.
Note: Watch out that you didn’t assign a unit’s worth of content – 60 assignments can be overwhelming for students!
You can decide between different or the same set of questions for your students.
Please note that the Start Over link is not available for assignments that have the "Same question set for all students" setting applied to them.
Select which class(es) and student(s) to receive the assignment(s)
- Note: if all students are selected, then any new students who join your class before the assignment is due will also automatically receive this assignment.
- Note: if you don't have any students when you make the assignment, all future students will receive it when they join your class.
Choose your assignment Start Date, Due Date and times.
Choosing the start date to be today will give your students the assignment immediately
Selecting a future start date will give your students the assignment on that date
Students will see the assignments listed in order by the due date, with assignments due soonest will show up at the top of their list. If you would like to sequence the assignments in a specific order, assign them with slightly different due dates.
Creating assignments directly from the content page:
To create an assignment from a specific content page please follow the below steps:
Step 1: browse our library until you find material that you want your students to work on. This could be a quiz, unit test, course challenge, video, article, or an exercise.)
Step 2: While viewing a Khan Academy lesson, click the Assign button located near the top center section of the content.
Step 3: Adjust the assignment settings on the pop-up modal.
Assigning Khanmigo Activities for district-rostered students
Khan Academy District teachers have the ability to assign Khanmigo activities directly to their Khanmigo-enabled students.
Currently, there are two ways in which you can assign these activities:
- From the new “Assign Khanmigo” option on your Teacher Dashboard
- Through the AI activity pages themselves
Check out this article to learn more details about assigning Khanmigo Activities to your students!
We hope this article was helpful for you to learn how to make assignments on Khan Academy. For additional guidance or to share feedback, please reach out to our support team here! We are happy to help.
Additional resources:
How do I edit or delete assignments?
What reporting options are available for teachers to track student performance?