pauloue commented,
I think it's a good idea, but I wish it would show the progress based on skills/challenges, not including videos. If I am able to complete all the skills in a topic without watching the videos, it ...
pauloue created a post,
AP class exercises
The practice exercises seem to have been removed from some of the AP classes, such as AP Stats and AP Bio. Why? Will they be added back? Will there be a mission for AP Stats? I'm taking these clas...
pauloue commented,
If you want to do stuff only at your level, try selecting a mission such as the integral calculus mission: https://www.khanacademy.org/mission/integral-calculus. You can also visit the math page (h...
pauloue commented,
You can still do it, though it's a little harder: click the gear icon at the bottom right of the video, select speed, choose your speed.
pauloue commented,
The practice exercises seem to have been removed from some of the AP classes, such as AP Stats and AP Bio. Why? Will they be added back? Will there be a mission for AP Stats? I'm taking these class...
pauloue commented,
It looks like they changed it to text, which I think is better. My only suggestion would be for it to show how many exercises / challenges you completed. For example in the math section it might sa...
pauloue commented,
When you get a question wrong, it shows you which one is correct and why. There are also videos with examples
pauloue commented,
It says there are new missions for AP Calculus AB and BC, but they don't seem to exist. Am I missing something or did you mean to say there are new "class pages" for these topics?
pauloue commented,
https://www.typingclub.com/ is great
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