Update: Personalize your learning home with subjects you’re currently studying
We've been gradually rolling this feature out to the community, so some of you might have been seeing this for a while, but it's now live for 100% of US users! (We'll be rolling it out more broadly as we internationalize the grade levels and subject mapping.)
Now when you first log in to Khan Academy, you can tell us all of your subjects you’re taking and we’ll customize your Khan Academy dashboard with lesson units to help you all year long.
Here’s an example of a high school senior’s dashboard after they’ve selected their classes:
And here’s how you can set that up.
When you first log in to Khan Academy, we’ll ask your grade so we can narrow down the subjects to choose from:
Next, we’ll show you the list of subjects most relevant to your grade. Press “Show All” to see all of the subjects for a particular category. Be sure to select all of the classes you’re taking or interested in learning more about — you can learn much more than math on Khan Academy ;-)
Once you’ve selected your subjects, they’ll appear on your Learning home.
We’ll track your progress through the subject and help you pick up where you last left off. To see the full list of topics in your subject, press “See all”.
You can change the list of subjects on your Learning home at any time by pressing “Edit” or “Add another subject”. At the start of each new school year, we’ll remind you to update the subjects you’re studying.
You can now find your “Recent Missions” and “Recent Topics” below your new “My Subjects” area.
Have you started using this feature yet? What do you think so far?
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