Caroline Charrow
Caroline Charrow commented,
Hi Linh! What language are you interested in translating? Did you complete the application at ?
Caroline Charrow created an article,
Can I give students certificates to recognize their work? (multiple languages)
Use these certificates to recognize your students for their great work! English Հայերեն Dansk Deutsche Español Français Português Български език ქართული Magyar
Caroline Charrow created an article,
Is there a guide I can print for parents about using Khan Academy? (multiple languages)
Give this handout to your students' parents or guardians to help them set up and support their child on Khan Academy. English Deutsche Español Français Português europeu Polski Български език ქართ...
Caroline Charrow created an article,
A magyar csapat / The Hungarian Team
Az önkéntes fordítókból és lektorokból álló magyar csapat két éves elhivatott munkája eredményeként 2019. nyarán megnyílt a magyar nyelvű Khan Academy. A honlapon elérhető tananyagokat folyamatosan...
Caroline Charrow created an article,
How can I print and pass out class code handouts? (in multiple languages)
Give this handout to your students to help them get set up in your class on Khan Academy. English Česky Dansk Deutsche Español Français Magyar Nederlands Polski Português Português europeu Српски ...
Caroline Charrow created an article,
Българският екип / The Bulgarian Team
Сдружение “Образование без раници“ се е посветило на това да работи за образование на бъдещето в България и да дава достъп до глобално знание – безплатно и за всички. Един от важните проекти на орг...
Caroline Charrow created a post,
Update: Khan Academy now available in Czech and Tamil!
We are excited to announce the launch of two new Khan Academy language sites: Khan Academy Czech and Khan Academy Tamil! These two sites join 22 Khan Academy language sites that already exist and a...
Caroline Charrow commented,
Hi! You can sign up to be a volunteer translator at (click the "apply to translate" button).
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