Patrick Jarrold
Patrick Jarrold commented,
Thanks Pablo. Other instructions can be found at and advanced instructions at
Patrick Jarrold commented,
Here are some other posts advocating similar ideas which you could support.
Patrick Jarrold commented,
I found some exercises at
Patrick Jarrold commented,
Physics especially, I find, requires a lot of practice problems to fully grasp.
Patrick Jarrold commented,
Patrick Jarrold commented,
I would appreciate such a tool. It appears quite useful.
Patrick Jarrold commented,
Bonjour, I understand; that's an excellent idea. At present, each user can set the site language by changing the preferred language in their profile settings, which is where they are taken if the...
Patrick Jarrold commented,
If you have the environment set up for offline coding, which is explained at, you could just copy and paste the co...
Patrick Jarrold commented,
You could give the answer twice, once in each language.
Patrick Jarrold commented,
Users could submit audio tracks, but the tracks would have to be approved by KA team members.
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