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How do I stop coaching students on my Teacher dashboard?


While a student can remove a coach from their own account, doing so won’t remove any assignments the coach or teacher has given them. Because of this, the Stop coaching feature in the Teacher Dashboard is the easiest and most convenient way for a teacher to both stop coaching a student and remove their assignments from the student’s account. Once this is done, the link between teacher and student is completely severed.

To stop coaching a student:

  • Make sure you’re in your Teacher Dashboard. You can get there by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the screen and selecting Teacher dashboard from the drop-down menu.
  • Go to the Students tab of your Teacher Dashboard homepage.


  • Select one or multiple students by clicking the boxes on the right-hand side of the list of students.
  • Click on the down arrow to the right of the word Actions on the right side at the top of the student list.
  • Select Stop coaching. This will remove selected students from ALL classes. 
