Evan Lewis
Evan Lewis commented,
Hi Perseus from the 4 Knights of apocolipce, Which page are you using to try to update your name? Are you referring to your nickname or username?
Evan Lewis commented,
Hi Brycen, Thanks for sharing this! Yes, I definitely agree---it's much more productive when the help requests provide more specific information about what they would like help with. If you come ac...
Evan Lewis commented,
Hi! I took a look at these programs and it looks like they were created by users in the same school, so this is probably a class activity. They all have only 1 vote, so there's no vote manipulation...
Evan Lewis commented,
Hi gboogie, Step 3 of the exercise says: Be sure to generate a random number to represent the bow location just once. It should not be possible for the avatar to have a hair bow and a bowtie at th...
Evan Lewis commented,
Hi there! Can you please share your current code? Without looking at your code it's hard to say what the issue might be here. Thanks!
Evan Lewis commented,
Hi Ms. Redmon, The courses you've listed are not mastery-enabled courses. This means you cannot create a Mastery Goal for these courses since there are no mastery levels / mastery points available ...
Evan Lewis commented,
Hi Clinton, Can you please share your current code? Without looking at your code it's hard to say what the issue might be here. Thanks!
Evan Lewis commented,
Hi Adelissa, Most of the courses listed in the Explore menu will count towards your streak, but there are a few exceptions. To count towards your weekly streak, the course needs to be a mastery-ena...
Evan Lewis commented,
Hi kohlrebecca1, You're so close! The instructions say "display the name, number_grade, and percent_completed", which you've done correctly. However, you've also included the fraction_completed col...
Evan Lewis commented,
Hi positivelyhumanistic, Yes, Khan Academy is a non-profit organization and provides course content for free for all learners! You will occasionally see site banners and receive emails about donati...
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Total activity 8171
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