Regina Litman
Regina Litman commented,
I did not get mine either. I donated online on Saturday, December 23, 2023.
Regina Litman commented,
Grace I hope you see this message. Thank you for adding this feature to the mobile apps. I have some questions about it before I begin using it. 1. Is it available in exercises/problems in courses ...
Regina Litman commented,
I have found this a lot in Khan Academy courses, in both math and science areas. I'm an adult learner. I was actually told once that some Khan Academy courses, especially a different AP science one...
Regina Litman commented,
MrsOrton, I suggest that you use Report a Problem that is located at the top of each Support community page, to the right of center. The people who can really help you (or at least try to help you)...
Regina Litman commented,
What are TATs? Can someone please spell it out for me? Thank you in advance.
Regina Litman commented,
Erica Henderson As an adult learner on Khan Academy, I would not want to be limited in the number of attempts I can make to do an exercise. In the past, Khan Academy has told me that they do not wa...
Regina Litman commented,
Grace, you made a change requested by Keith Edwards on October 19/19 October 2022 that G. Tarun noted on November 13/13 November 2022 was a "great suggestion". He also mentioned that my request als...
Regina Litman created a post,
The Bad News Regarding Resetting Unit Tests
It's not available in the apps, according to the community post announcing it. I have already made a submission to Report a Problem to find out why. I left Khan Academy in late 2021 after almost 4 ...
Regina Litman commented,
Please, PLEASE, PLEASE tell us that it will soon be available in the Khan Academy iPad and Android apps! I stopped using Khan Academy because of the lack of this feature, and I was all set to plan ...
Regina Litman commented,
@matthew.bernatz You asked why would I want to expose children to LGBT content? Because it has come to be a significant part of life in the USA and much of the rest of the world. Yes, some parents ...
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