Jeff Dodds
Jeff Dodds created an article,
Content Update: Big improvements to AP®/College Statistics course
Hello! I’m Jeff on the math content team here at Khan Academy, and I’m happy to share that we’ve updated our AP®/College Statistics course to make it better than ever. Most of the changes are struc...
Jeff Dodds created an article,
Content Update: Big improvements to our high school statistics course
Hello! I’m Jeff on the math content team here at Khan Academy, and I’m happy to share that we’ve updated our High school statistics course to make it better than ever. As a former high school math ...
Jeff Dodds commented,
Viet Vu That message was up in error — sorry about that! We'll be updating that course next year.
Jeff Dodds commented,
Joann Lynch This is definitely a tricky one for us. Some states/districts/teachers include probability & statistics standards in their Algebra 1/2 courses, and others don't. So if we include that c...
Jeff Dodds commented,
Hi! Vi Hart—a rockstar Youtuber and former Khan Academy employee—has a great video reply to a similar problem (skip to 2:32 in the video below): I'll pa...
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