Tay created a post,
Why Khan Academy Is Great For Learning
I have been using Khan Academy for 2 years now. I first started using it for my social studies class, and I now use it for my algebra class. It helps you to understand your subjects, and if you don...
Tay commented,
If it does that, then the program is sometimes confused. It will still run the way you want it to if you already know what you are doing. It also depends on what type of code you are using compared...
Tay commented,
When you are taking a test, it should automatically save your progress. If it is an assignment, then whoever posted it as the assignment may have taken it down where it should save.
Tay commented,
There there is usually text saying to verify it is you before you can change the info. If it’s the text box, then you may have to exit and retry opening the site.
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