Hunter R. Shaw
Learner and teacher. Don't let life slip through your fingers. It's like toilet paper. The more you use the faster it goes...
Hunter R. Shaw commented,
Apologies for the latent reply: Don't bother. Look up a course on Udemy for software development. C++ and Swift are good places to start, then specifically look for App Dev courses.
Hunter R. Shaw commented,
I agree largely with your original post. Khan Academy should be an educational site first and foremost, and for many years people have joined the programming community more to play little games tha...
Hunter R. Shaw commented,
It's been many years. Don't count on it bud.
Hunter R. Shaw commented,
As a side note for Evan, the "pending approval" label I see above my previous post would be greatly appreciated on the main site, and would reduce confusion and irritation ten fold. Curious as to w...
Hunter R. Shaw commented,
When you need the keyCode of any key, just write a short program with a key event, and within it, a call to println(keyCode); Unfortunately, it seems that the canvas window on Khan Academy does not...
Hunter R. Shaw commented,
Remove this line: SELECT * FROM student_grades; The SQL challenges' evaluators are quite finicky... only outdone by Algorithms.
Hunter R. Shaw commented,
Almost certainly against the guidelines.
Hunter R. Shaw commented,
If either of you has experience with the API, I'm considering trying to build an organizer for fellow discussioneers and answered. I'm at the point where I don't have any expectations of improvemen...
Hunter R. Shaw created a post,
Where is the lag coming from?
Recently came back from my rather lengthy hiatus from the platform, and I was quickly reminded of the rather poor responsiveness in the discussion fields. To be more specific, actions take a signif...
Hunter R. Shaw commented,
That's a broad and unspecific request. I can tell you that KA's teaching has very little about form validation, but there are a few things about it in the HTML/CSS/jQuery course. Try starting here:...
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