Liftoff Studios
I am the Liftoff Studios of the Computer Programming section on KA My Github username - liftoff-ka
Liftoff Studios commented,
What's the exact plan for COC then, considering this is preventing users from posting stuff there
Liftoff Studios created a post,
Comments Not Loading
Hi, comments in the feedback section are not loading for any program It just shows loading when I want to view any replies on a threadWhen I checked the graphql query, the api request responsible...
Liftoff Studios created a post,
Can we use WASM on KA ?
Hi, I justed wanted to know if it is possible to use .wasm files through import It gives me an error. Is is possible to do this somehow ? Link:
Liftoff Studios commented,
Liftoff Studios commented,
Thanks for the to tip ☺️☺️
Liftoff Studios commented,
Whenever but I do hope it is updated by next 2-3 months because this glitching is very irritating lol
Liftoff Studios created a post,
Khan Academy, please improve your support for ES6 Syntax
I request the developer team of KA to please add better support for ES6 syntax Currently you have to add a <script type> To be able to add Es6 features such as classes, arrow functions etc. Even ...
Liftoff Studios created a post,
Creating a Tutorial about KA's Post API
Hi Everyone I was recently going through the developers console and I found out some post API requests in the networks tab Is it safe to create a tutorial about these or will I get banned Guardia...
Liftoff Studios commented,
Liftoff Studios commented,
Can someone send a link of a project that uses cdn from cdnjs in a project Specifically font awesome cdn Thanks
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Total activity 31
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