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Gracie Lynch
Gracie Lynch created a post,
When should you down vote someone's comment?
I did a help request and the person who answered didn't appear to have knowledge of what I was asking. They continually responded something that was not helpful to the question I asked. Should I do...
Gracie Lynch created a post,
Divide Line Segments
I am having trouble with the Divide Line Segments part of the Analytic Geometry unit. I can find the length of the line segment but I don't understand how to find the answer and the explanations ar...
Gracie Lynch commented,
Gracie Lynch created a post,
What is the diference be a KA Guardian and a Support Advocate are they paided or volunteer positions?
I have used KA for years and I was wondering what program I could help with and whether or not I would be compensated for my time. Any answers?
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