Infrared commented,
The easiest to earn is tesla, which you get by earning 10,000,000 EPs.
Infrared commented,
The number still remains after you achieve the badge. Just because the number is still there that does not mean you did not get those points.
Infrared commented,
I don't even know if it is available. Even if it was, I would not bother trying to get it.
Infrared created a post,
Could we have another energy point challenge?
Khan Academy had some energy point challenges. It would be fun to have another one, with new badges for it too. Is this possible? Thanks!
Infrared commented,
It really does not seem fair to new users. I do though, see their perspective for retiring badges, but I still wish they could re-instate them when they get time.
Infrared commented,
Also (I don't know if it is achievable)
Infrared commented,
Herculean also exists. Quoting the description: 'Attained proficiency in all exercises to date'
Infrared commented,
Same! Really want the retired badges back.
Infrared created a post,
Retired Badges
Could we please get back some retired badges? The top badges I want back: 299,792,458 m/s -sub-light speed -millionaire 5 x 10^5 10,000 year clock -guru -going supersonic -atomic clockwork
Infrared commented,
Please bring the speed badges back!
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