Cavan P
Cavan P commented,
The test is different every year. Last year, there may not have been some material on it, this year the excluded material may be different. I don’t want to tell you what you should or should not d...
Cavan P commented,
Hello, Vinay! Everyone will have a different definition of being 'ready' for an exam. I took AP calculus my Junior year of High School, and the AP courses that Khan Academy offers certainly helped...
Cavan P commented,
Hello, Pauline! I took High School biology as well, and I can tell you that KA's High School Biology course covers quite a bit of the content we went over in that class. While there may be some ma...
Cavan P commented,
If it has to do with History or the government, it will help you out for some portion of the class. Now granted, there are still some parts of the class that KA does not have any topics on, but so...
Cavan P commented,
Oops! My apologies! I understand your frustration over the loss of mastery in the subject, I'm sure you know that the reason it dropped was because of the addition of material. Khan Academy has ...
Cavan P commented,
Hello VarshVarsh! I took AP Human Geo as a freshman as well, and although Khan Academy does not have a course directly dedicated to the class, many of the subjects covered in the course can be foun...
Cavan P commented,
Hello Dawn! I think you're getting 'Course Mastery' and the 'Course Missions' a little confused. The subjects will still have the 'Course Mastery' option, along with seeing how much of the course ...
Cavan P commented,
var lastIndex = pow(2, 32) - 2;var a = [];a[lastIndex] = 42;println(a.length);
Cavan P commented,
Hello The Blue Pineapple and SP! There is actually a limit to the number of indexes an array can contain, and that number is 4,294,967,295. Regards, Loyalty
Cavan P commented,
For future reference, try to use the 'Help Request' button found underneath your saved project. There, active members of the CS community will have access to your code and be able to help you.
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