Jordan Cooper
Jordan Cooper commented,
This had the opposite of the described effect for my students. They used to try on every question, when they were trying to get a streak of a certain length. Now when they get one wrong, they don't...
Jordan Cooper commented,
Personal experience: A few years ago when practice exercises were "get some number correct in a row" my students would try to do well on every single question, because even if they got the last one...
Jordan Cooper commented,
There used to be a button at the end of every practice exercise that said something like "try again" but they removed it. I used it all the time! And I'm not talking about a "reset" type of button ...
Jordan Cooper commented,
As a teacher who uses Khan Academy heavily for my Algebra 2 class, I share this viewpoint. Geometric series are wonderful, and I suppose the formula contains a piece that is basically a binomial ti...
Jordan Cooper commented,
This sounds like a good feature. You might not need it, though. Every Windows computer I've owned has had a screen reading preinstalled (I assume for blind or partially blind users) and I would not...
Jordan Cooper commented,
I don't have any help to offer in coming up with ways to teach these intuitively, but I think it would be amazing if it were possible. Got my upvote.
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