Coding Contest
So I noticed that KA has a lot of contests, but I've never seen a contest for coders. I am not talking about the ones on the Browse Programs page, where you only win a badge. If you get emails from KA then you have probably seen several contests whith amazing prizes. In my opinion, these types of contests help people to learn more. If you have checked the Computing Platform Community Discussion Forum", then you may have seen "The Great Debate" on the issue of people using KA for games instead of learning. By having contests for coders with great prizes, people would strive to learn more. Think of it as getting a piece of candy for finishing your homework (NOTE: this most likely only applies to homeschoolers and maybenot even them. It depends on what your family does). In other words, you are being rewarded for your hard and well earned work. Thus, I not only think that it would be nice, but also helping the community to want to learn more. - Thank You and Good Night...or morning or whatever time it is when you read this.
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