Guilherme commented,
Official comment Olá, André! Obrigado pelo post. O sistema da Khan Academy permite que os alunos completem qualquer exercício a qualquer hora. Entretanto, recomendações completadas fora do prazo também contam na no...
Guilherme commented,
Olá, Carolini! Você poderia nos eviar uma solicitação de suporte para que possamos resolver o seu problema? Você pode enviar a solicitação através deste link. Obrigado! GuilhermeAgente de Suporte d...
Guilherme commented,
Hi, there!We'd love to have a greater understanding of the issue you're running into. Could you please submit a support request in our Help Center? Here's the link: http://khan.co/KA-support. Thank...
Guilherme commented,
Official comment Hi, Chris! Thank you for your contact! Although we don't have any courses aimed specifically at this subject, we do have a variety of Science courses that could help you with your goal. You can acc...
Guilherme commented,
Official comment Hi, there!1. I'm afraid that the activity log isn't available in CSV form at the moment. 2. I'm going to pass this feedback along to the team and it will be part of our conversation as we plan the ...
Guilherme commented,
Official comment Olá, Alexandro!Obrigado pela sugestão de implementar um modo escuro para a Khan Academy! Estamos sempre trabalhando em novas funções para melhorar nossa plataforma. Enquanto isso, você pode procu...
Guilherme commented,
Official comment Hi Valerie,Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the creation of a Praxis 2 course. I will be sure to pass this feedback along to the appropriate team so we can discuss it. As we grow and expand, ...
Guilherme commented,
Official comment Hi Alberto!Thanks for sharing your thoughts on our "About this unit" section. We are always working to add features that improve our site, and we love getting input from our community.I've passed y...
Guilherme commented,
Official comment Olá, Débora!Eu transferi esse feedback para a equipe para que eles possam revisar não apenas esta seção, mas demais cursos que precisem ser aprimorados.À medida que nossa plataforma cresce e se exp...
Guilherme commented,
Official comment Hi!Although we don't have a course for AP World History, you can access our World History course. I will be sure to pass this feedback along to the appropriate team so we can discuss it. As we grow...
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