Private Programs
I would like to request the ability to hide specific programs in ones profile from the public.
Here are the two reasons I think this feature would be helpful:
1) WIPs. Many coders prefer to ensure that their unfinished programs stay off of the HL and from other users. The reason is simple: Why see something again when you've already seen it previously? This happens all the time with popular programers and their WIPs getting on the HL and into the memories of people browsing the recents list. If more and more people see the WIP version, then they may have little reason to see the finished, resulting in less people actually viewing what the producer wanted them to see. This is my first reason.
2) My second reason is to protect personal info. For example, I would like to make a portrait of a friend of mine (real life friend), but I'm cautious to do so for the friends safety. KA is the only PJS code editor I have access to, and I don't want to give my friends face to the public.
Pleas consider.🦊
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