// /cs/pro/5733417664643072 but for MineKhan
I'm sure most of us are familiar with Willard's amazing, insane recreation of Minecraft on Khan Academy (https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/minekhan/5647155001376768)
It's an epic program, but because of that, there are many users that spin it off and use it to create their own builds - which is fine, but the problem is that many times, people aren't aware that it's a spin-off of Minekhan, or perhaps they like the build, so they vote the spin-off up (even if there was no coding effort put into it).
As a result, these Minekhan spin-offs often get overvoted and climb their way onto the Hot List (I don't think they belong on the HL).
So I propose a solution.
You may remember Timothy Smith's Art Maker Pro (https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/pro/5733417664643072). The situation was similar: Many people spun-off the art maker to show off their artworks and it got voted up, so KA made it so that whenever the code contained the comment: // /cs/pro/5733417664643072, the program would be hidden from the HL.
I think that it would be good for KA to implement a similar hiding-system-thingy with Minekhan.
Thanks for listening!
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