Allow searching and filtering user programs
When users create programs, it would be helpful to let us add tags to the program, such as 2D, 3D, WebGL, Graphic, Animation, Game, Platformer, Website, Database, Physics, Collisions, PJS, Canvas, P5, Threejs, etc. Then add a search function to the site to let us filter programs based on these tags/keywords. This would be especially helpful for the more advanced programming topics that students are interested in.
For example I know lots of people are interested in 3D, but the only way to find any working examples of it on KA are to look through the first 250+ programs in the top list, where you'll find maybe 5 or 6 3D programs. The hotlist normally has 1 or 2 small, low quality 3D programs. Due to the complex nature of 3D, it often takes weeks or months to make anything decent, but the hotlist only features it for about 3 days before it's replaced by a meme. Being able to search for programs by topic would fix this problem.
Ideally it would be possible for the community to suggest tag additions/corrections for other people's programs so that this system could be applied retroactively to older programs as well. Perhaps a way to vote yes or no on tags to allow the community to classify programs without burdening moderators. Of course this isn't necessary for this to be a useful feature. Even if we can only add tags to our own program, it would still greatly improve the CP section of the site.
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