I made Minecraft. https://www.khanacademy.org/profile/kaid_585930138674289802884730/projects
Willard commented,
Nah, there are no "authorized" 3rd party users. It's an internal API, same as the old one. You just copy the request from the developer console. You can delete everything except the body and method...
Willard commented,
I'm not a guardian, but I think the morale of the guideline is that you shouldn't play any external sound files. You can generate sounds, or play the sounds they give you, but if you're playing a s...
Willard commented,
This forum is really only for the Khan Academy programming course/environment. I'd suggest asking questions about other programming languages on a forum like StackOverflow instead. I copy/pasted yo...
Willard commented,
The old API was accessed with GET requests, which meant data could be loaded with an opaque response (without CORS enabled) by loading it in a <script> tag. That was always more of a hack than anyt...
Willard commented,
All of your programs (both websites and PJS programs) can be found on your profile at https://www.khanacademy.org/profile/me/projects
Willard commented,
Synchronous JS has no methods for pausing code execution (except `alert()` and `prompt()`), but `async` functions have the `await` keyword, which pauses that function's execution until a promise is...
Willard commented,
It's definitely not fast. It's called a Guassian blur. If you want to read their source code for it, it's at https://github.com/Khan/processing-js/blob/master/processing.js#L15725 The browser has a...
Willard commented,
I mean, if you have their username, you can just type it into the url to visit their profile. I made https://www.khanacademy.org/computer-programming/searchable-program-browser/6015567628419072 las...
Willard commented,
Hiding all the programs they bot is giving them even more power than they already had. I don't think it's a good solution to the problem, even if it's only temporary. They've already taken advantag...
Willard commented,
It would be even easier to just hit Ctrl C on the site and shut it down. But removing things because it's easier doesn't make it a good idea.
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