How Long Does the Average Course Take?
I want to know how long my course is going to take so i can schedule my days. Does anyone have an approximation?
Hi everyone,
Unfortunately my tool for determining the total video lengths is no longer working due to the removal of our public API. However, we're exploring new ways of being able to share estimated lengths for each of the courses.
In the meantime, you should be able to use the estimates posted for similar courses in this thread to get an idea of how long those courses might take to complete. The number of mastery points in the course can also help indicate the relative lengths of courses.
I'm not sure there is any way to approximate all the various courses on KA, some are rather long, others are much shorter. Other factors would also come into play as to the length of completion, such as time allotted per day, comprehension of the material, etc. Maybe you could try to do the first section, and use that as an approximation...?
Good luck! :)
Hi Alexis,
There is no definite way to approximate how long it will take. Each lesson is roughly 5~10 minutes, quizzes 10~15, and Unit Tests around 15~20. Overall, it just depends on your speed at math! Also on how much time you have per day or week on Khan Academy.
Khan Academy does give approximations on how long it will take, but one course will take from 3 days to a week. You can narrow it down if you:
Hope this helps! Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions!
Hi Alexis,
The above advice is all great! As they mentioned, the time it takes to complete the course will vary depending on the person and their learning speed.
That being said, if you have any particular courses in mind, I would be happy to look up the total amount of video time in the course for you. This doesn't include the time it will take for you to complete the exercises, quizzes, or tests, but it should give you a rough idea as to how much learning material you would need to cover.
Evan Lewis Can you help me how long will it take to finish Physics, High School Maths, and Chemistry Course (as per the video length).? I would be very grateful. Thanks!
Evan lewis, can you please help how long could i finish math from early math to end.
i am university student but i just want to master math from beginning up to the end without skipping any lesson, how many videos and the hours ?, how long will it take to finish if i give 10hours per week
Assuming you follow the standard 2nd Grade--8th grade progression along with Alg. 1, Geometry, Alg. 2, Trig, Precalculus then there are a total of 2194 videos with a cumulative length of about 184 hours.
At 10 hours per week, it would take about 4 months just to watch all of the videos. That doesn't include time spent on exercises, unit tests, etc.
Hi Evan Lewis! I was wondering how long it would take to complete geometry? And then separately how long it might take to complete Precalculus? Thank you.
Hi Angelina,
The Geometry course has 202 videos with a total length of about 19 hours. Precalculus has 225 videos with a total length of 25 hours.
Hello Evan Lewis! How long would it take to complete the high school biology course?
thaoviet131 The High School Biology course has 128 videos with a total length of about 19 hours
Hello Evan Lewis! I was wondering how long would it take to complete the pre calculus course. Also, how long will it take to complete the calculus AB and BC? Thanks!
Precalculus: 225 videos ~25 hours
Calc AB: 370 videos ~37 hours
Calc BC: 459 videos ~47 hours
Hello Evan Lewis,
How many hours/videos are in AP Biology?
Aidan Adkins 206 videos, ~29 hours
Hello Evan Lewis,
How many hours/videos are in Pre-algebra , Algebra1 and Algebra2 ?
Hi! Evan Lewis
I'm trying not to overload my soon-to-be 6th grader this summer. Can you tell me these estimates for:
Thank you!
How many hours does it take on average to complete Computer Science please?
Pre-Algebra: 382 videos, 27 hours
Algebra I: 328 videos, 28 hours
Algebra II: 241 videos, 22 hours
Get Ready For 6th Grade Math: 84 videos, 6 hours
Careers: 232 videos, 25 hours
Growth Mindset: 2 videos, 6 minutes. This course is mostly articles, so the total time will depend on how fast of a reader your student is.
Computer Science: 50 videos, 4.5 hours
Thank you and the computer programming?
The computer programming course is a little hard to estimate since the completion time really just depends on how quickly you can learn the material and how much time you want to spend on the projects. The Intro to JS course alone takes about 15 hours to complete, and Intro to Webpages is fairly similar. The advanced courses are similar in content length, but usually take longer for students to complete since the topics are more difficult.
Do you know how long the Algebra 2 course would take, with videos and assignments? I know it can be different for everybody but I'd be fine with a guesstimate. Thank you for your time.
Hi kasen.avila,
The total video time is about 22 hours for 241 videos, but that doesn't include the practice exercises, quizzes, or unit tests. This is a full length Algebra II course that is comparable to that of a regular high school. I believe most schools teach Algebra II as a two semester class (assuming 1 hour classes 5 days a week), so the course will likely take most students about that long to complete. If you were to just watch the videos or only work towards an incomplete level of mastery, the course could be "completed" much faster, but it really just depends on how quickly you can learn the material and how well you want to master it.
Evan Lewis, Can you please tell me how long it would take to watch all the videos for
AP®︎/College Biology
Please and thank you !
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