Answer keys
Do you have any answer keys for any math khan-academy's so that way I can help my students with their khan-academy.
Hi Emily,
We do not have currently have answer keys available for the practice problems. However, while the students are doing the practice problems, they can use the Hint feature for missed questions to view a step-by-step solution to the problem.
Additionally, if you assign specific content to your students, you can view the questions (and the answers) that the students were assigned by looking at the assignment report.
I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any additional questions!
If you press the Hint feature, it will be wrong to students and 0 points for them.
Who else is here because your so tired and want to quit also if you see this sal founder oh khan academy in no way do i mean its your fault but an answer key would be nice =).
yeah I could really use one
Google this. Some AWESOME person created one.
Please add answer keys. I believe there are mistakes on your site.
we desperately need them or find a different way of teaching us how to do the problem
We need answer keys i cant keep doing this:(
We need answer keys:'(
Give us answer keys
the most important thing is that if you got the hints or answer key, then that problem will be wrong for students so if you finish one question, then you can look at the answer key.
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