Intro to computer science - Python question
Hi All,
I've started the intro to computer science - Python class and it is a good learning tool so far.
I have a couple of questions though. There are several parts where it assumes I have knowledge of functions that have not been explained before. I have been using ChatGPT and Google searches to supplement my knowledge but it makes for a slow learning process. Is there something I'm missing here? Some explanatory page I'm skipping?
In Class 4: Arithmetic Expressions: Challenge: Coupon Codes.
In the Last paragraph of Step 1: ''Recall that you can convert between data types with the str(), int(), float() functions.'' Nowhere is it explained what these functions are. There are several such instances but this is the first that came to mind.
Secondly, I am after completing 'Lesson 3: Variables: Challenge: URL Paths' to the extent that I have achieved the result that I have been asked to achieve but I am still getting an error message:
Would any of you fine folk be able to discern what the problem here is?
Thanks for reading and responding.
Kind regards,
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