Give coaches ability to recommend videos
Would be nice to have the option as a coach to recommend not just skills, but also videos.
It would also be nice to be able to recommend skills that aren't attached to a specific mission.
I would really like to see this feature. I am frequently a Tutor and Teaching Assistant for Intro Econ courses at a university. I think your Econ videos are great. I find that the fewer steps it takes for a student to do something, the more likely he/she is to follow through. Currently, I have these videos hyperlinked in a course syllabus. I think it would be easier if my students could just log into Khan Academy and see which videos I would like them to watch. Further, I could assign specific math videos to students who need to brush up on concepts they learned in high school.
I totally agree. I would love to add a playlist for my Art History classes.
I want this too. Sometimes the videos aren't all accessible from the exercise, and when a student needs more guidance, I'd like to point him or her to additional videos.
I have been dreaming of a playlist function in the Khan Academy. I use KA for personal learning only, but it could be like on Spotify... if one could create own playlists and keep them either private or share them with someone or a group of people, or share it in public. Apparently this playlist feature would need to include both videos and skills to fit every purpose :)
Yes, please!
People have been asking about this for almost two years ... it's time!
As a K-8 technology teacher, It would be really nice to be able to have more flexibility to recommend videos or challenges that are just part of a larger topic. Especially with younger students.
I agree. This would be a HUGE help.
By using Assignments (the replacement for Recommendations, as of about a month ago), you can do exactly that. Just go to the video itself and the option to assign it to one of your classes should be at the top of the screen (this works for non-math videos on Khan, too):
You can verify that it worked by visiting your Coach dashboard for that class:
Your students will see the assignments on their home page (change the due dates of the assignments if you want to change the order in which they appear):
Your Coach view will show you which students have played the video all the way through -- if they skip ahead, they don't get credit. There is currently no way to ensure that they actually paid attention, though. :-)
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