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How do I rename students on my class roster?


Teachers and coaches can edit how their students’ names are displayed in the Students tab of their Teacher Dashboard.

Changing a student’s display name in your Students tab won’t affect the student’s selected username or nickname (or anything else in their account), and any changes will only be visible to you.

To adjust a student’s name in your Teacher dashboard:

  1. Make sure you’re in your Teacher Dashboard. You can get there by clicking on your name in the top right corner of the screen and selecting Teacher Dashboard from the drop-down menu.
  2. Click on the Students tab. By default,  students are listed by their usernames. To change that, hover your cursor over the student’s entry in the roster. Click on the Edit display name link that appears on the right side of the student entry (next to the checkbox). 
  3. This will open a field where you can change the name to whatever will make it easiest for you to identify and organize your students. To save the change, hit the Enter key on your keyboard.

Like things in alphabetical order? Click on the little arrow next to the words Student Name at the top of the list of students to put the list in alphabetical order. Click it again for reverse alphabetical order!
