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How do I add or remove individuals to the Khanmigo high severity moderation alert list?


We recognize that school leaders need to keep safety top of mind. For this reason, we have developed the option for Khan Academy Districts partners to choose specific individuals they would like to receive email notifications for high severity Khanmigo moderation flags.

The teachers associated with a student’s Khan Academy account will still get moderation notifications for all content flagged as inappropriate. In addition to this though, Khan Academy interprets high confidence scores from OpenAI’s moderation tool as severe misuse of Khanmigo that could indicate real-world risk. These are the conversations that are sent to the school leaders who are on this list. 

This article will: 

  1. Give instructions on how to set up the yourself or other individuals to receive these email alerts.
    - Please note: there is no default person who is added to this list. Unless someone takes action and adds an individual to this settings page, only teachers will continue to receive moderation email alerts.
  2. Show an example email the school leaders on this list individuals will receive

Section 1: To add or remove individuals to receive these high-severity moderation emails, please follow the below steps: 

  1. Log into your Khan Academy District Administrator account 
  2. Navigate to your Administrator Dashboard by clicking your name in the top right-hand corner, followed by the Administrator dashboard link from the dropdown 
  3. Click the “District Settings” section on the left-hand menu

  4. Click the “Select Admins” box in the middle of this screen, which will open the dropdown menu of individuals for you to select from. 
    - Please note: only the people who have the same permissions on Clever or ClassLink as you will be populated on the dropdown list.
    - For example, a district administrator may have a longer list of individuals here versus a school administrator, since a school admin would not need to add individuals from other schools. 
  5. Click the check box next to the desired individuals 
    - Please note: you can add yourself to this list here as well! 
  6. Click the blue “Add Users” button.
    - Below is a gif showing steps 4 through 6 of this process: 

  7. To remove users, click the blue x next to their name on the list

Section 2: Sample email individuals will receive once on this list 

Once an individual has been added to the above list, they will receive email alerts sent to them when a student’s flagged chat with Khanmigo meets the high severity threshold.  

Please see the below gif showing a sample email of what you will receive when you are added to the above list: 

Please note: only those who are either the students’ teacher, parent or an administrator on the above list will be able to view the content from the “Khanmigo chat from [date]” link (pictured below) since that takes you to the full chat history for the student. 

If you are taken to the below screen which says you do not have access to view this content when clicking on the chat history link, it means you either:

  • Do not have the correct permissions to view it 
  • Are not logged into your Khan Academy account with the appropriate permissions 

We hope this feature gives you and those in your school(s) peace of mind! If you have further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Support team. We are happy to help!