How can I donate to Khan Academy?
We believe everyone in the world should have access to a high-quality education, and we are working away on making this a reality. If you think we're on to something, or if Khan Academy has helped you personally, we would welcome any support you can provide. Help us provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere!
Where do I submit my donation?
Donations may be made through our donate page. Just choose the amount you'd like to contribute and select whether you'd like to complete the payment via PayPal or credit card.
You can also give via Bitcoin or Square Cash. Just go to our donate page and then scroll to the bottom to find that information.
Checks can be mailed to PO Box 1630, Mountain View, CA 94042.
We hope one of these options works well for you! We are a nonprofit (Tax ID: 26-1544963), and are totally reliant on donations like yours to keep us running. Your gifts are tax-deductible where applicable. For donation questions or issues, email us at
Where does my money go?
Your money supports our people and technology, and helps us:
- Keep the site running, totally free
- Create more high-quality content, in more languages
- Develop interactive assessment exercises, to complement the video library
- Improve our website and create the best free, online educational experience possible
- Support efforts to use our technology in schools around the world
- Explore other ideas we have on the future of education and how we think learning should be done!
If you want to help, but can't donate at this time, check out a few ideas on volunteering for Khan Academy.