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What efficacy studies does Khan Academy have?


Khan Academy Evidence Base as of May 2023

Since 2011 there have been 64 studies on Khan Academy spanning implementation in the US (31 studies) and abroad (33 studies). Of these studies:

  • 42 focus on K12
  • 12 focus on Higher Education
  • 10 focus on all learners.

While there are many studies, not all meet the quality criteria for ESSA Tiers. The table below includes the studies that meet ESSA criteria, including 5 Tier 1 studies, 3 Tier 2 studies, and 8 Tier 3 studies. Not included in the list below are any studies focused on learning analytics (12 studies), qualitative studies (19 studies), dissertations/master’s thesis (8 studies), or lower quality studies (9 studies).


Author Title Year ESSA Tier
Bobonis, G., Oreopoulos, P. et al Adopting Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) at Scale: Training and Supporting Teachers and Families to Use CAL Technologies in Puerto Rico Public Schools In progress Tier 1
Brough, R., Oreopoulos, P. et al Khollaboration with Khan Academy: Leveraging Computer Assisted Learning, Teachers, and Parents to Facilitate Personalized Learning at Scale In progress Tier 1
Ferman, B, Finamore, L, Lycia, L. Are Public Schools Ready to Integrate Math Classes with Khan Academy? 2019 Tier 1
Buchel, K, Jakob, M, Kuhnhanss, C, Seffen, D, Brunetti, A. Expanding School Time and the Value of Computer Assisted Learning: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in El Salvador. 2019 Tier 1
Snipes, J., Huang, C.-W., Jaquet, K., & Finkelstein, N. The effects of the Elevate Math summer program on math achievement and algebra readiness. 2015 Tier 1
Weeraratne, B., & Chin, B. Can Khan Academy e-learning video tutorials improve mathematics achievement in Sri Lanka 2018 Tier 2
MANAUS Assessing the use of technology and Khan Academy to improve educational outcomes in Sacatepéquez, Guatemala. 2016 Tier 2
Weatherholtz et al

Use of MAP Accelerator associated with better-than-projected gains in

MAP Growth scores.

2022 Tier 3
Weatherholtz et al Use of Khan Academy Official SAT Practice and SAT achievement: an observational study 2020 Tier 3
Hill et al Use of Khan Academy and Mathematics Achievement: A correlational study with Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD) 2018 Tier 3
College Board Delivering Opportunities 2017 Tier 3
Chan, M., O’Connor, T., & Peat, S. Using Khan Academy in Community College Developmental Math Courses. 2016 Tier 3