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Does my child account automatically update to an adult account when I turn 13 years old?


Child account restrictions will be turned off automatically once you turn 13 years old only if you have set your date of birth when creating the account.

If the date of birth was not added while setting up your account, and the account was set as a child account, you will not be able to change this on your own. In this instance, you will have to contact Khan Academy support.

Please use the Report a problem button in the Help Center to send a request. When sending the request, you will be asked to select the type of problem you are reporting; please choose the I need to adjust a birthday option and provide the following information through the form:

  • Your correct birthday
  • Your profile URL 
  • The year that you will graduate from high school
  • The number of energy points that are on your account
  • Your account username or email 


See also: