How do I use the Responses and Completion Reports?
Assignment reports allow you to see the performance and progress of your classes and students, and help you identify gaps in their understanding. To access reports, go to your Teacher Dashboard and select a class with existing assignments.
Now, you can review performance and progress By student or By assignment.
Video Completion Report
The first view shows the assignments' scores—click on Scores under Assignments. In this view, video assignments have a play icon above them. Any students who have watched the assigned video will show a checkmark under the video assignment.
When you're in the Manage tab under Assignments, you can click the blue fraction in the Completed column of your assignments list for any video assignment to see which students have watched.
Here is an example of the video completion report:
Note: If students fast-forward, jump to the end, skip a portion of the video, or complete the viewing of the video without being logged in, their activity will not show up as complete in your report. If students decide to watch the video at a faster speed but they complete the entire video, it will show up as complete in your report.
Article Completion Report
A similar report is available for articles. When you're in the Scores tab under Assignments, you'll see a page icon above article assignments. You'll also notice that each student who has accessed the article will show a checkmark under the article assignment.
In the Manage tab, like with videos, click the blue fraction in the Completion column to see which students have accessed the article.
Here’s an example of an article completion report:
Note: Both videos and articles show completion reports, but you may want to pair them either with a Khan Academy exercise or an in-class check for understanding to allow students the chance to demonstrate their knowledge of the topic.
Response Report
Scores tab
As with videos and articles, you can check exercises assignment information in the Scores and Manage tabs. When in the Scores tab, exercise assignments will show a pencil icon above them. You can click on the score of the student whose assignment data you would like to view.
Note: This will give you information on a single student's performance. To view class performance, go to the Manage tab.
Clicking the student's score will take you to a detailed report where you can see which answers the student chose on their first attempt at a problem. This report is meant primarily to help identify misconceptions!
Manage tab
When viewing the assignments from the Manage tab, click on the blue fraction in the Completed column to view the performance report for any exercise.
Note: You can notice it specifies if the exercise has been set to Different question set or Same question set.
This report will tell you several things:
- Date completed: This helps you identify if each student completed the assignment prior to the due date.
- Attempts: The number of times the student did the exercise set.
- Best score: Exercises typically are four to seven problems long. In the performance report, you can see each student’s best score on a single attempt at an exercise. So, a student might get two out of seven on the first attempt then retry and get five out of seven. In that situation, you would see a 5/7 result in your performance report. This system helps reward students for persistence and for learning from mistakes.
- View report: This link will show you how a student performed on each problem that they attempted. It may be especially useful during one-on-one tutoring.
- It will also allow you to download a CSV file of this data. You can find this option on the top right corner and will give you access to a sheet with all the assignment specifics.
Student's view
For students, there are three levels of completion in an exercise.
- Unattempted: when the student does not attempt the exercise, the pencil with a square around it will remain gray.
- Less than 70% correct: If students do not achieve at least 70% correct, Khan Academy does not count the exercise as Practiced. If this is the highest performance a student achieves on an exercise, then the square will show with half of its bottom covered in blue and no checkmark.
- More than 70% correct: This meets the standard for the Practiced label. With this score, the square will have a blue line on the bottom and a checkmark on it.
Individual Item Report
If you’d like to see the entire item bank of problems that students attempted, click View report.
Note: the problem bank is larger than the number of problems any single student is required to complete. That means different students will have been assigned different problems if you chose the assignment to be set this way.
You'll be taken to the same detailed report mentioned above for specific student's. However, this time the student selection in the top right corner will be set to All Students.
Correct Answer Report
Click on the Reveal answer in the top-right corner of the right side of the report to see how each student answered each question. After clicking on it, it will change to Hide answer. This report is especially helpful to identifying group misconceptions, which could inform future instructional decisions, groupings, or revisiting of concepts that the whole class maybe be struggling with.
Additionally, a new and cool progress tracker was created by our team! It was designed to be very complete, which allows teachers to easily follow their students' progress throughout their learning journeys, especially for those who teach several classes and subjects. Below is a sneak peek of what the progress tracker looks like:
Teachers can access it by clicking here, and they can also print it to use the tracker with their classes!