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Update: Assignment Scores CSV Download Feature Release!


Hello Khan Academy Teachers!

If you are a teacher who uses Khan Academy in your classroom, you may want an easy way to transfer your students’ scores from Khan Academy assignments into your personal grade book, or your school's grade tracking system. Luckily, this is possible through the newly released “Assignment Scores CSV Download” feature!

This feature is on the “Scores” tab under the Assignments dropdown menu and offers a downloadable spreadsheet containing your students’ scores from Khan Academy assignments.


The feature was designed closely with feedback from teachers who use Khan Academy and therefore includes data that was said to be most helpful when adding scores to their grade books.

The CSV includes: 

  • Customizable date range:
    • This means you can download only the assignment scores that you need
  • Name and type of the assignment’s content:
    • Name: the title of the assigned content
    • Type: exercise, quiz, unit test, video, or article
  • Due date:
    • The due date you selected when creating the assignment
  • Score or completion status
    • Practice activities (exercises, quizzes, or unit tests) will have the student’s best score on their columns if the student fully completed the assignment.
    • Videos and articles will have the current completion status: Completed or Not Started

Snip20221208_99.pngOnce the CSV is downloaded, the data can be added into your preferred grading system.

For more information about how to use this feature and the spreadsheet once downloaded, please visit this article: How do I download my students’ assignment scores? 

While we cannot build a bridge into all varieties of grade books or Learning Management Systems, we hope this feature streamlines your grading processes and helps you lean into using Khan Academy in your classroom(s)!

As always, your thoughts and questions are welcome to be shared with in the Khan Academy Community Forum!