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Update: View mastery and assignment information within exercises, videos, and articles!


In December 2022, Khan Academy rolled out a set of new features to provide more insight into their mastery progress, and information about assignments, as learners grow and progress on Khan Academy. 

What’s new?

  • Learners have a new content experience that shows both assignment context (when relevant), and mastery information for the skills that they’re working on.
  • Learners also see how the content they’re on fits into the broader learning journey in that subject.
  • This experience had previously been rolled out to a subset of subjects and learners, but now all learners and subjects have it.
  • This new content experience also contains the recently-launched “Start over” option.

The new view with assignment context expanded:


The new view with mastery and content information expanded:


Why did Khan Academy make these changes?

  • Before this new design, content could be viewed in three distinct contexts— whether you were coming from an assignment, a unit page, or the lesson page.
  • These views contained different learning contexts depending on where you were coming from and did not contain mastery information.
  • We hope that this new unified, context-rich view will both decrease navigation confusion, and increase awareness of how each lesson fits into one’s larger learning efforts.

Note: Course Challenges and Mastery Challenges will be receiving this new experience in upcoming updates. Currently, they both have legacy experience.

As always, we’d love to know what you think. The team has set up a dedicated form to hear your feedback.