prod-read създаде статия,
How to translate videos that contain Khan Academy exercises?
There are many videos that contain Khan Academy English exercises. You have 2 methods to deal with English exercises in videos. For exercises that are actually on Khan Academy website (like th...
prod-read коментира,
Thank you for taking the time to bring this to our attention. We have edited the article.
prod-read създаде статия,
How do I recreate Khan Academy videos?
NOTE: Before you read these instructions, think about whether dubbing or recreating is the best choice for your language and local audience. Khan Academy allows its translation teams to decide ...
prod-read създаде статия,
Is it possible to find-and-replace words in Crowdin strings?
Please follow these steps: 1) Go to the Crowdin.pot file. If you are on translation dashboard, you can just click to open “context” and then click .pot file as shown as below: 2) Click “File” -...
prod-read коментира,
Hi Alex, We do indeed have an AP Biology class you can use - happy studying! - KA
prod-read коментира,
Hi Taiwo, You can learn about our policies around using Khan Academy in this post: Can my website or company use Khan Academy materials or its name? Let us know if you still have questions!KA
prod-read създаде статия,
Do you have a blog?
Yes! Interested in what’s going on among translation teams? Visit our international blog! You can find what we have done, how translation teams work, impressive TED talk by the advocate, etc. ...
prod-read създаде статия,
Как мога да докладвам, ако открия грешка?
Когато гледаш видео уроци или решаваш задачи от упражненията в Кан Академия, може да се натъкнеш на грешки. Ето какъв е начинът да ни съобщиш за тях: Грешки на английски - if ако откриеш грешки в...
prod-read създаде статия,
Are there plans to align translated content to national standards?
We're currently documenting existing localized curriculum options here. We expect to introduce curriculum aligned sites for more languages in the foreseeable future. Our Curriculum Management S...
prod-read създаде статия,
Как да избера друг език освен английски за своя основен език?
Тази опция е налична за много езици, сред които испански, португалски, френски, турски, полски, български и други. Тук можеш да видиш пълния списък с наличните езици и до каква степен са преведени....
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