pamela ❤ създаде статия,
Деактивират се взаимните оценки на проектите по програмиране
В курсовете по програмиране има 14 проекта, които са получили оценки от други участници, като 7 от тях са в популярния ни курс Въведение в JS. Тези проекти не се означават като завършени, докато уч...
pamela ❤ коментира,
Kanggun Given you're already experienced with programming, I would posit that this review course is enough for you to self-study for the multiple choice exam. However, the exam also has a portfolio...
pamela ❤ коментира,
pheehaoyan The College Board explains the prerequisites for AP CSP here: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses/ap-computer-science-principles/course/frequently-asked-questions/are-there-any-st...
pamela ❤ коментира,
Evan Thanks for the feedback! I did see that come up for another student last year as well. That's a good reason to introduce a private or private-to-coaches setting for projects, we'll be consider...
pamela ❤ коментира,
purplebanane12 Wow, so fast! Thanks for being excited :) I only made videos about a few topics for time reasons, but I've been getting requests for videos on other topics, so it's on my TODO list.
pamela ❤ коментира,
Kal Concha Good question! A couple of the Code.org videos are still in the CSP content, but it was trickier to integrate the rest of them due to diverging differences in the topics covered and the...
pamela ❤ коментира,
Regina Litman Yes, AP CSP is available in the apps. I just checked and the app is showing the updated content. Some of the articles have embedded interactive explorations, and I think that those do...
pamela ❤ създаде постинг,
Update: AP® Computer Science Principles updated for new standards!
Hi everyone! I'm Pamela, the creator of many of Khan Academy's computing courses. Last year, I released our AP CSP review course to help students learn and practice a vast array of computing concep...
pamela ❤ коментира,
@Steve Okay, I've put together back-of-the-napkin estimates in this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Wth9xMo5HIlVXnRwSXI4mONvm6sEUL-djSRiypj88X8/edit#gid=358108172 There are est...
pamela ❤ коментира,
Hi Steve! By completing each unit, do you mean how long it would take for them to read the articles and do the exercises / master the unit? How much time will students have to spend? I think if I w...
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