mngo коментира,
Thanks for responding! RE: system autohides them: Ah, okay. A lot of images seem to get onto the Hot List; I guess there’s just a lot of users circumventing the auto-hiding haha. Would it be possib...
mngo създаде постинг,
Autohide Programs Made With Bob Lyon’s Image Generator
Currently Khan Academy automatically hides from the Hotlist programs made with Timothy Smith’s Art Maker Pro by checking the code for the link to it. I feel a nice addition to this would be autohid...
mngo коментира,
YES. THIS. This is exactly what I've been thinking. Thank you so much for writing this up Legolas :)
mngo коментира,
How would separating it into individual pages help? I see no way that could do anything but make it worse.
mngo създаде постинг,
Recent List Idea
Hey, so I had an idea... What if, when you go to Browse Projects you first find yourself looking at the Recent List instead of the Hot List? This would help get people look at the recent list and...
mngo коментира,
Adding onto what SP added onto what I said, I did a little research about it. The reason it exists is to allow for languages that are read right to left, such as Arabic or Hebrew. It makes any c...
mngo коментира,
It's because of a special character (RLM) that users have been adding to their names lately that makes notifications from them and the Updated ___ ago text on their programs display backwards. It c...
mngo коментира,
Ah, okay. Thanks!
mngo създаде постинг,
Option to Disable the Error Buddy
ПланираниIt would be nice if we could have the option to turn off Oh Noes. He's annoying when telling me about actual problems, and a downright headache when telling me about nonexistent ones.
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