ENDER HΛVEN『Free coding advice』
ENDER HΛVEN『Free coding advice』 коментира,
Since making this post I've moved on to program elsewhere, however, I still think these ideas should be implemented for the next generation of Khan Academy programmers, I feel like there's a lot of...
ENDER HΛVEN『Free coding advice』 коментира,
Hello, Melrile!Khan academy actually provides its programming lessons for free, and in this particular post, I was inquiring about making my own lessons for the site to use.I encourage you to explo...
ENDER HΛVEN『Free coding advice』 коментира,
Seeing as A staff member encouraged me to make this post again after I had done so incorrectly, I hope the other staff will also take the time to consider it's value.
ENDER HΛVEN『Free coding advice』 създаде постинг,
The Grand Computer Programming Expansion
Dear Khan Academy,I am an independent JavaScript Game developer.While I learned much of what I know (the majority being from the community rather than the courses) from Khan Academy, spending some ...
ENDER HΛVEN『Free coding advice』 коментира,
Just one question, with this in mind: DO NOT: Use Khan Academy trademarks in the naming or promotion of an app or other services, nor may organizations combine their brands with Khan Academy to cr...
ENDER HΛVEN『Free coding advice』 коментира,
Hello Warren!Have you considered experimenting with subtle inset box shadows?That one slight change (Which I tested via inspect element) seems to fix the issue where the new flat-color background w...
ENDER HΛVEN『Free coding advice』 създаде постинг,
Dear Khan Staff: Video content about Khan Academy on YouTube?
Dear Khan staff/media team, [Normal community member scroll to 'Dear community']So far as I know, recording of a free content website with commentary is OK according to copyright law; however I'm n...
ENDER HΛVEN『Free coding advice』 коментира,
Dear Khan Academy,Many people have simply repeated the same request over and over again (which really drives the point), however, I think I could better serve you by offering a few solutions instea...
ENDER HΛVEN『Free coding advice』 коментира,
Where can I find the application for becoming a support advocate, and what are the requirements?
ENDER HΛVEN『Free coding advice』 коментира,
It seems there aren't any openings for a position like 'Programming Content Creator', but that doesn't surprise me as it was probably thought the programming section was extensive enough.Is there a...
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