How may one become a programming Lesson creator for Khan Academy?
I have been a Khan Academy member for over four years (Though I've recently gone inactive, as there isn't much left that I'd like to learn), and I spent much of that time learning programming. I learned some incredible skills, but-- most were not from the actual lessons provided on khan academy.
While the lessons provided gave me the framework, for the rest I was mostly left to myself to figure out through trial and error, which is a slow process for learning programming.
I'd like to see some lessons on making more complicated programs, such as sorting algorithms, raycasting, collision (not overlap detection), as well as optimization methods, and more of the sort.
However, it seems many of these somewhat more advanced topics have not been sufficiently covered, not in "Advanced JS: Games & Visualizations" nor in "Advanced JS: Natural Simulations". (While some of the before mentioned topics may have been partly discussed in these lessons, they have not been fully covered.)
Those things have lead me to think, I know about these topics-- building off the previous lessons and using my skills as a budding content creator, perhaps I could create such content for the future users of Khan Academy.
So I inquire:
How may one (myself) become a lesson creator for the Khan Academy Computing Platform?
I am glad to provide more information as needed.
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