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SAT Questions and Feedback
The SAT forum is the best place to go if you have questions or feedback about Khan Academy’s Official SAT Practice. TIPS: Be as descriptive as possible in your topic title for the best responses. Try searching the forum to see if your question has been posted already - if it has, upvote it and leave a comment on that thread! ***If your conversation is about SAT Coach Tools, please ask it in the "Classroom Product Questions and Feedback" forum.
**READ** How to use the SAT and Test Prep forum
Закачени31 гласове 0 коментари -
how to create study plan for SAT
0 гласове 0 коментари -
Not able to view one of my practice tests on khan academy
1 глас 0 коментари -
Digital SAT Math - Official Formula Reference Sheet
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No full length practice tests on the Khan academy app
0 гласове 1 коментар -
SAT Practice tests
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digital sat calendar
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Different levels in the digital SAT course
1 глас 3 коментари -
Creating an Offline Test Environment for Digital SAT Practice
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Linking Collegeboard and Khan Academy
0 гласове 1 коментар -
How to link Khan Academy to my College Board?
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Do lessons of Khan Academy’s DIGITAL SAT course use Bluebook mock test questions?
0 гласове 1 коментар -
Linking PSAT and SAT scores
0 гласове 1 коментар -
My Account need to be connected to College Board for SAT prep
1 глас 1 коментар -
Make a new program on timed mini section for digital SAT
8 гласове 3 коментари -
link collegeboard
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can I practice the official sat practice in 2024?
1 глас 2 коментари -
Digital SAT Practice Papers
1 глас 1 коментар -
Digital SAT Practice Tests
2 гласове 4 коментари -
Square Root question
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Where is the original digital SAT?
1 глас 1 коментар -
What math sections of Khan Academy should I study to get ready for the SAT? (I need an answer pleasee!!)
1 глас 1 коментар -
How do I access my old SAT scores that I took before the update?
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SAT Diagnostic Test Equivalent in New Course
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New SAT digital platform
1 глас 3 коментари -
how do I go back and look at the questions I did in the quiz?
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New SAT practice
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How do I add my PSAT score into Khan academy and how do I connect my Khan account to Collage Board
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SAT score delayed
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SAT initial questions
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